Friday, March 16, 2007

Well no Presley or James today!

HI all,

Well what started out to be a very happy day has not turned out to be so wonderful. By now 7:59pm I was hoping to have my little girl in my arms and my husband by my side. Well that is not going to be happening tonight. Our friend Jennifer was checking the stauts of the flight and in a chain of phonecalls Nancy called and told me to check James' flight. I did and low and behold the SNOW adventure continues. James was to arrive in Detroit in about 20 minutes and the flight from Detroit to Montreal was cancelled due to weather conditions. I was just ready to cry and am still sooo disappointed.

James called about 4pm and was sad to share his bad news . I told him I already knew..he was not as angry as I thought he would be..after flying for 16 hours I guess you don't care about anything anymore..LOL

So he had to take Presley who did very well on the plane and slept off an on...and try and find a hotel as Northwest would not provide them with one. They indicated when a flight is cancelled due to weather they are not responsible to provide a place to sleep. James was looking for a hotel the last time he called. I told him he was not going to spend the night with the baby in a an airport. They needed some comfort.

Poor guy...I feel for him and Brian who are both weary travellers and just wanted to come home.

They are booked on a flight tomorrow morning at 9am and landing at 11am. So hopefully the snow we are supposed to receive tonight will not stop that from happening...If they don't come home tomorrow..perhaps they will make it home for Presley's 18th birthday!

Hoping for good news in the morning...but afraid to kept my hopes up!

Goodnight and trying to hang in there,

Karen (Wife of Mr. Snow)

3 friends actually told me today I should change Presley's middle name to Storm...Presley Storm..hmmmm something to think about.


Julie said...

There is nothing much to say except - wow, that sux!!!

Hang in there! Remember you have her for the rest of your life!

4D said...

I am so sorry to hear about the delay. I hope they got it this morning safe and sound.

Keep smilin!

Anonymous said...

ooo! I hope they made it this morning! Waiting to hear the news!! That is a bummer re the airline: when I last came home from Vancouver and the plane couldn't land (took us to Ottawa instead) the airline (Westjet or air canada I forget) provided us with travel vouchers to and from a hotel, a hotel voucher for the night and a meal voucher. That is horrid that someone travelling from china with a small child was left to their own devices. Hope it all went well and you are celebrating Presley's arrival and Jagger's birthday. Welcome Home Presley and James! Happy Birthday Jagger! And congrats to the whole family!! Leanne as we know it. said...

Well it's Saturday night now and I am sooo hoping they they are at home with you safe and sound now...ughh the fricken snow!

rockbox said...

cannot wait to hear an update on their arrival... I hear they are home... you must be in heaven. welcome Presley!!!!
Sandra Mark and Mikaela