Thursday, March 08, 2007

Friday morning in Shenyang...almost time to take the plane for week 2

Well it wouldn't be a trip to China if we didn't have a picture of Presley eating McDonald's. She loves her chicken nuggets or pork nuggets over there..I am not sure.

Ahhhh...she is lovin it indeed.

Just got off the phone with James...he said he feels like he is coming down with a cold and Presley too has a little bit of a runny nose. He said she went into the bathroom and came out with a long strand of toilet paper jammed into her nostril. He should have taken a photo of that!! LOL

James was telling me that in the middle of laughing she will stop and look at him and start to cry. I wonder if the honeymoon phase is starting to wear off now and she is finally showing that she is missing her foster family. James indicated she quickly gets over it but that it happens many times throughout the day. I don't know how she couldn't be missing them..after all they were her family for over 2 years. James was not able to meet them as the start of the trip was rocky and delayed all the paperwork getting done so he didn't have the time to go to Dalian like he was hoping to do. He asked the orphanage staff if he could get the address of the foster family and was told that they were not allowed to provide this information. I so wanted to have contact with them in the future and let them know and see through pictures that she is doing well.

In the presents I gave for the family I included our address in many of the I am hoping that one day perhaps we will receive a letter from them. Crossing my fingers as I think it is wonderful for our children and for the families who took good care of our kids and took these kids in as part of their families to be in contact with one another.

Until my next update!


Love you are doing an amazing job...and Presley...I love you baby!


Julie said...

Wow Karen, Presley is an absolute doll and seems to have a great personality to boot!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is so sad that there isn't contact with the foster family. How wonderful if that attachment could have been kept unsevered. I hope they can get hold of you in the future. Best luck with them and their colds!eek! And yup, such a cutie. Sorry she is sad (bound to happen). She'll be home soon!
