Monday, March 12, 2007

The medical and more pictures

Hi all,

James called and Presley had her medical. In her medicals we gotwith her referral pics it was indicated on top of her legs she had a small hole in the heart. Supposedly she was submitted to the Tomorrow plan and was to be looked after medically under that program. When she was checked they indicated that the heart had healed itself with time. Well it appears that this is not so. The doctor at the international clinic indicated that she has a very loud murmur and should be followed by a cardiologist as soon as she arrives home. So I have worked a miracle and she has an appt next Friday the 23rd at the Children's.

The doctor checked her hips and he indicated he did not hear any clicking but again said he was not a specialist and she would have to been seen by an orthopedic specialist. Appt already made for March 26th.

Her eyes both eyes seem to be effected but not all the time. The doctor indicated we should have a neuro evalutaion just to make sure there are no issues as when they see eyes and weakness in the legs he indicated it could be a neurological issue. So that will have to be tackled soon.

He indicated it is probably dislocated hips and strabismus as indicated in her medical(only the hips and heart were mentionned)...but that if it was his daughter he would have an evaluation just to make sure.

So can we say doctor appointments...we knew we would have a few visits to the hospital one thing at a time and we will hopefully in not too long we will have a better picture of how she is healthwise. The not knowing is very stressful.

So that was my news this morning...James was a little concerned but said if her heart was an issue wouldn't she have blue lips, fingers? Would she be so active and not out of breath or tired all the time? The cardiologist I talked to this morning said those are all good signs..her being active and acting very normal for her age without any he told me not to be too worried. He would check her out and we will take it from there.He indicated if she had a serious problem you would see something.

I will be saying a little prayer for our angel and hope all turns out ok..

James and Brian, Presley and Noah on the wall.


4D said...

I will say a prayer for Presley. I am sure she will be super duper...she is a trooper!

Keep smilin!

Julie said...

Wow, that is some difficult news. She looks like a real fighter and I am sure she will be 100% with your love and attention.

Bet you can't wait to give her a good squeeze!

blandfme69 said...

All medical issues will get worked out when she comes home. The doctor at the international clinic does a very general examination. Some day Presley will have a wonderful story of how much love and family made a difference in her life. I can't wait to hear it myself! as we know it. said...

Good job you are an old pro at all these medical appointments.
just a few more days.....

Anonymous said...

SOON, VERY Soon Presley will be home and in your arms Karen. With all the love waiting for her, she will get through any procedure she requires. Prayers and hugs.