Thursday, March 08, 2007

Thursday in Shenyang..

Ni Hao Mamma ya! That is what she yells to me on the phone. Even though the picture is not that clear, it is so great to see her big smile. What a cutie nice to see!

The serious Miss Presley decked out in her cozy pink jammies. Even though in the picture she is so is a great picture of her.

Today James and Presley had a relaxing day of visiting the Forbidden City in Shenyang (picture below). They then decided to take a swim in the hotel pool and she loved it. James said she loves to get her head wet. They than had lunch and did some shopping. He bought a beautiful scroll for our house(See pic below). He also bought Presley some running shoes at a whopping 19 yuan each. Which is almost $3.00 Canadian. For dinner they enjoyed Korean BBQ and loved it. James said is was very tasty. Presley was complaining today to James about her teeth hurting so Mommy has set up an appointment with Dr. Don our dentist to have them checked on March 21st, shortly after they arrive home. My poor angel, between her hips and her teeth now and the gash she got on her head(which is healed now) she is one tough cookie and doesn't seem to let it bother her in any way.

They were heading off to bed when I spoke with them this morning and tomorrow they pick up the paperwork and her passport and start packing once again for the trip to Beijing. So half the trip is almost done and 1 more week to go. Not like I am counting or anything..BUT I AM...6 more nights and they will be heading home.

The throne in the forbidden city in Shenyang..only 2 forbidden cities exist in China..1 in Beijing and the other in Shenyang.

Here is the lovely scroll that James bought yesterday in Shenyang. Great shopping honey ..keep it up!


Anonymous said...

ooo! She is so beautiful when she smiles (and when she doesn't too, but that smile just lights her up!) So cute, her talking on the phone to mamma!! She looks like a trooper! Should fit in fine! :O) More congrats!!! (and wow, a hubby that is good at shopping!!)

thinking of you said...

She looks absolutely adorable! I'm so glad for you (and James) that the transition seems to have been quite smooth for her! Just a few more days and she will be in your arms! She really looks like a child with a wonderfully strong spirit. I wish you all the best !!!

4D said...

What a smile she has!! That is great news and I am so excited for them to get home too!

Keep smilin!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Karen she is just beautiful!! What a great smile. Not too much longer and she will be home.

