Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Time to follow our new FAMILY blog

Hi all,

In case anyone is checking in here for an update..I have decided to close this one and have created a family blog...so you can check in and see how all my kids are doing...

Thanks for joining us on our journey to Presley...

Here is the new blog: http://wright-mauraischronicles.blogspot.com/


Saturday, October 13, 2007

More Pictures

I thought I would post a bunch of pics for you to enjoy!

Well Fall is finally here and Presley has been home 6 months!!

Hi all,
I thought I would update the blog as many of you have asked for updated pictures etc.

Here is our Presley ...this picture was taken today..Oct 13th, 2007 outside of our place. Getting ready for Halloween!!

Presley is doing great...she started fulltime daycare in September as I started back to work after Labour Day. The summer just flew by. Can you beleive already it is October 13th. Today we celebrated Madison's 10th birthday.
Here she is...she recently had her hair cut...she took about 8 inches off.Happy Birthday Sweetheart. Her birthday is actually on Monday.

Here is Jagger, Jaden and Presley having fun!

Presley had her baptism last weekend (Oct 6th, 2007)and here is a picture of our angel wearing the Silk dress that Daddy bought her from the silk factory in Beijing.

Presley has been home 7 months in 3 days. The time has just zoomed by and Presley is growing tall and is speaking very well. She is a smart little girl and is very sociable and very lovable. Again we have been so blessed to have her in our family.
I will write more soon.

We had a lot of fun this summer...so I thought I would post some of our pictures..

Friday, May 11, 2007

Sorry for taking so long...finally an update

Hi all,

Well today is my last day and I am back to work on Monday. I will be taking more time with the kids and James mid July until the end of August and that will take up the remaining weeks we have for parental leave. The 8 weeks I have been off and since Presley has been home has passed so quickly. We have been very busy and seems like we didn't have one day to relax around the house and do nothing...I am not sure if that is possible anymore.

James and I have spent a lot of time with Presley and most days we kept Jaden home from daycare sothey could play together. Jaden still is having a few issues with losing her baby spot in our family but she is getting better. I know it takes awhile. I have seen it with Kennedy.

We have been busy with all the doctors, physio therapists, occupational therapist. pediatrician, neurologist, physchologists etc. Who knew there would be a team that huge to help with our angel. She has done amazingly well and we are madly in love with her. She is a very happy, spirited big girl. She is really starting to come out of her shell now and I see such a change in her. She is laughing a lot more and fits right in with our family. She is talking quite a bit and each day adds new words to her repetoire.

We see Dr Benaroch at the CP Clinic at the Shriner's at the beginning of June and we will see from that meeting if and what could be done to help Presley with her right leg. Her left leg from what the physio therapists are saying is very good. They feel the resistance only in her right one.

We are going to therapy (PT) every 2 weeks and OT they were very impressed with her and they only need to see her once in awhile to make sure she is progressing as she should.

Presley is also tongue tied and we had an appointment this week and they indicated with all she has been through since being home the surgery can wait. The oral surgeon indicated that it is not bad compared to others he has seen so he felt waiting 4 months would not make much of a difference. We want to give her the best chance with her language/speech so we want to proceed.

Presley will be starting daycare next week for 2 half days...James will spend the morning at daycare with her to make sure she is comfortable..I think daycare and all the kids will be great for her as from what we see at home Presley doesn't know how to play really. I don't think she was with many children her age.
I will post some new pics soon...and promise to update this site more often.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Finally an update-April 2, 2007

Hi all,

Life is finally starting to settle down again and finally I can sit and update the blog.

Presley had her teeth repaired on Thursday at 12:00pm. They called us early as they had a cancellation. Yeah! We headed out and what a great place. It is called Rockland MD. They put her out using general anasthesia..she was out in 2 seconds. The dentist then proceeded to take xrays and came out to talk with us about his plan of action. He said he would be possibly be doing a root canal or two, fillings and building of some teeth. The whole procedure was to take 1 hour. Well 2 hours later finally the dentist comes out and indicates that Presley's teeth were much more work that he had originally thought. What he thought were bad cavities turned out to be "mush". He said her teeth were in horrible shape and so 8 root canals and 8 crowns later, fillings on the remaining teeth from the canine and back..our poor angel arrived on a bed looking like she had had a fight with Rocky Balboa...her face was very swollen and her lips well...looks like she had plenty of Botox in them...Mick Jagger step aside....about 10 minutes later she started waking up and she looked at me and James, opened her mouth to show us the big job that was done. I felt so bad for putting her through all of this so soon since coming home..but that is something that had to be done. She needed to be finished with the pain in the mouth and needed to eat.

The dentist indicated she must have been in very bad pain for a long time. Gladly he said...she would be tender for a day or two and then her pain would be no more. That was what I wanted to hear. Music to my ears!

We took her home and within a few hours she was doing well and wanted to get up and play. She was a real trooper. She slept well that night and the following day she was back to normal.

Friday was the Jagger's day to get his cast off...I brought him to the hospital and they sawed it off..xrays were re-taken and gladly everything healed and he is cast free.

Presley visited the neurologist last week as well and Dr S immediately said upon seeing her walk that she has mild CP. He did some tests with her hands and her legs and he indicated that her CP has affected her lower limbs. The right leg is more affected than the left. We will be having a CAT scan and a nerve reflex test May 2nd. For now we are starting physical and occupational therapy April 24th. We will do that every 2 weeks. We have started on stretching exercises which Daddy does with her every morning and night. It has become their little routine already.

Presley has a lot of pain in her right leg when she stands or walks. She cries in pain and this is something I will have to speak to the doctors about as I hate seeing her like that. There has to be something that can be done. There are things that can be done but starting with physical therapy is what they like to suggest. Hopefully this will help her. She bends her leg and sometimes resorts to crawling to get to where she wants to go. It hurts me so much to see her like that.

She is a very little brave girl and we are so happy that she is a part of our family. I have a lot of reading and learning to do about CP and how I can help her to the best of my ability.

Saturday afternoon was our annual visit to the Sugar Shack "Cabane a Sucre" and it was a nice day out. The weather was wonderful and it was Presley's first visit with many of our friends. I was worried that all the people and the music etc would be too much for her. She took is very well and seemed to enjoy her day. I cannot imagine what must be going through her head...from a small farm village one day to our loud family and all our adventures. Thank you Auntie Denise for the great cowboy hat....and Auntie Doris and Uncle Dan for the beautiful purple outfit.

Today was our first day with nothing planned. It was nice to just go here and there and not be sitting in a doctor's office. I saw a much happier little girl today. She is beautiful with her little dimples and she is quite the little charachter. She is bonding with her sisters and brothers and everyone is getting along very well.

We need to have vaccines and her blood work done soon but I wanted to take a few days off and just stick close to home and just be together.

Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers...we appreciate them all!
Presley kisses you all !!!


Monday, March 26, 2007

Presley Update - March 26

Hi all,

Presley is doing very well. We have dragged her from doctor to doctor since she has come home and she is such a brave little girl. Today we visited the Shriner's Hospital to see about her dislocated hips. We arrived at 9:15am and left at 3:30pm. It was quite a long day. Presley was checked by Dr. H and she was sent for xrays of her hips as he didn't feel any dislocation in her hips. The xrays came back and her hips are not dislocated afterall. We asked then why is she walking like that and why does she appear to be in pain. He did not have a good bedside manner and was very busy with a room full of other patients. He wrote down a couple of words and said we should see physio therapy and they would help us with some exercises as her muscles are aspastic on her right side. He also indicated we should make an appointment with a pediatric neurologist. We already have a referral. He wants to see her back in a year.

We headed to physio but they were closed for lunch..so we headed to the caf for some tasty chicken and then headed back down. We finally were able to see someone at 2pm. A wonderful lady sat with us and told us what the doctor had written down and passed along to her. She indicated that she beleives Presley has cerebral palsy that has affected the right side of her body. She did a few games and observed Presley and indicated to us that she beleived it was a mild case and that from what she could see her hand was not bad but that her leg needed exercises as her muscles are tight. We sat and watched the therapist as she did the exercises on Presley's leg and foot. All through this she was laughing and giggling.

James and I are scouring the internet tonight and reading about CP and what it is and hopefully learn everything we can in the next months ahead...it is scary thinking about the potential big challenges our little girl might face in the future...but as I said to James as we drove out of the parking lot in the hospital...she is our daughter and we will do whatever it takes to help her ..

As soon as I got home I called the neurologist to make an appt and I was so lucky as I was told the wait for neurology is about a year...they had a cancellation and we have an appt for 11:15am tomorrow morning.

So hopefully tomorrow we will have more information and perhaps more answers. It has been a big day for us. I am pooped and need some sleep!

Until next time,


Pictures of our Presley-Home 1 week

What a great site don't you think? Sisters getting ready for the day. Madison is so in love with Presley. Kennedy is being a wonderful big sister and well Jaden..she has her nose out of joint a little but that was to be expected.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday is here...and our update

Hi all,

Well today is Friday and James and Presley have been home almost a week. In a week things have changed quite a bit. Everyone is now back on our time zone which is a big bonus and Presley is really starting to warm up to life in our family. It is very nice to see. Her sisters Kennedy and Madison are madly in love with her and help her with anything she needs. With her hips this causes problems with her walking up and down stairs and they are still keen on helping her up and down and taking her to the bathroom or whatever else the Princess wants to do. Hmmm I wonder how long that will last. Colby is doing great with his little sister and is very good with her. Jagger will help her if he is needed to help and once in awhile I catch him showing her his favority gameboy or giving her a kiss on her head.

Just now she was in the livingroom and singing me some Chinese songs she knows. She was too cute.

I have not had much time for anything these days and have not taken many photos as most of the days from 8am-3pm we have been out at the hospital, pediatrician or where ever and the days have flown by. By the time the kids are in bed..I don't feel like doing very much. I will try and get some new pics this weekend as it is James birthday and we are having a BBQ tomorrow to celebrate his day.

So here is her latest update:
Thursday morning we headed to the Children's hospital for her appointment with Dr K for her eyes. He indicated that she had a micro strabismus in her eye and that with her bridge being wide it appears that her eyes turn in more than they really do. He checked to see if she needed glasses and he indicated he beleives she needs nothing and that he hopes that she will grow out of it as he has seen with other children. He wants to see her back in 6 months to see how she is coming along. So good news there!

Thursday afternoon we visited her new pediatrician, Dr K, who checked her all over. She gave me the list of the many blood tests to be done so we will work on that in a week or two. She indicated of course she needs to be checked by orthopedics and I advisd her the appointment was for Monday morning. She also gave us a referral for a neurologist, for her to be checked as well.She said she would like to cover all the bases...and I agree.

Friday morning was our visit to the Cardiologist with Dr J, He and his resident were fabulous with us. They explained very well and checked Presley out. Both listened and agreed they did indeed hear something. They sent us for an echocardiagram(we waited no more than 5 minutes to be called in-GREAT!) and within 25 minutes with results in our hands we were heading back to Dr J's office. He checked the results and indicated that she has 2 minor issues with her heart. 1 is pulmonary stenosis(very minor he indicated) and PDA(again minor). He indicated that nothing needed to be done surgically and that when she visited the dentist she would require antibitotics.
He indicated she should be seen again in 2 years...so we were- happy with that. He indicated she will live a very normal life and what he saw and heard many people have. He was very funny. I was asking questions about the PDA (patent ductus blah blah) and the resident was explaining to us what a duct was...when Dr J came into the room the resident indicated..I was explaining to them what a Duct is...Dr J replied...a bird with yellow feathers and goes quack quack. We all had a good laugh.The appointment was very calming and they made us feel very comfortable about her situation. I really appreciated their approach.

Monday morning is her key visit which I am very anxious about...her visit to the Shriner's for her hips and legs. I pray that they will be able to help her with her mobility. She can run and walk but she asks to be picked up all the time and is in much pain.
Keeping my fingers crossed that it is indeed Dislocated hips and that Dr. Hamdy can work some miracles for our little brat.

As for Presley she is starting to feel comfortable and I am happy to see it. She is running around and so happy to play with the kids. I think she is fitting in quite nicely. She has a great funny characher. She loves to laugh and is already trying to push the limit already. She is definitely your typical 3.5 year old..tantrums and all. We love her so much and are so happy she is part of our family-at long last!!

I will post pics this weekend! I promise..


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Presley Update-Tuesday, March 20,2007

Hi all,

Thanks so much for the encouraging emails..we having been running for the last 2 days.
I just wanted to send an update. Monday we went and received her temporary medicare card. DONE! This thing will be smoking by the end of next week..LOL

Today we happily had her visit with a pediatric dentist at a clinic in Anjou..the Dentist was wonderful(Thank you Karen Nolan for his name-Dr Dirsken(SP???). He lied Presley down on the chair and said he only needed 10 seconds to get an idea what the issues were. He indicated that Presley most likely had been layed down with bottles of milk and sugar and this constant coating of milk and sugar and lack of brushing of her teeth just ate them away. He also indicated that this is routine for his office and that he treated about 25-30 kids a week. I was shocked. Kids here in Quebec have teeth like Presley....WOW!!!

They treated us so well there. I was amazed. She will require to be put under anestesia(sp??) and will have all the work done that is required. The Doc indicated that when she is put to sleep we will be in the room with her..and once she is sleeping we will go and wait for about an hour while they take full xrays, do their prognosis(final one) and do all the work required. So....we have been so lucky and we have an appointment next Thursday at 3:15pm for the procedure. So her teeth will hurt no more after that. The Doc indicated normally a few days afterward and they should be great. He told me you will see a huge difference in her, eat more, be happy and grow like a weed as she will then be able to eat whatever she likes as she will be able to chew. He said she must be in a lot of pain as the cavities especially in the 8 teeth are very bad and will probably require crowns. He indicated that her teeth are full of cavities ...poor angel. He indicated that she will be prone to cavities in her baby teeth and that lots of brushing, flossing and 6 month cleanings will have to be followed...but he said I have a feeling that won't be an issue for you guys..and he is right!

She is sleeping the whole night and today I saw a much more alert, happy little girl. She is still crying with the pain in her legs and her teeth...and I see she is having problems with her vision...but all of these things will shortly be looked at and hopefully have them corrected soon.

By another miracle and some wonderful people I know...Presley has an appointment at the Children's for her eyes this Thursday. Her Doctor normally does not do clinics on Thursday but decided to do one this week...and we have an appointment for 9:15am. I am so happy about that.
I think she will need glasses for sure..but I want her to be able to see well and not have to struggle with that as well. So much struggle for such a young sweetheart.

Tomorrw she has Dr Kooglemass her pediatrician for her overall checkup.

Friday she has Dr Jutras her cardiologist at the Children's-so hopefully we will know how her heart is doing following that meeting.

Monday next week she meets Dr Hamdy at the Shriner's and will have her legs xrayed and checked and we will see where to take it from there.

Of course I will keep you updated.

She touches me on my hand about 100 times a day and looks at me so sweetly saying "Mamma ya"..I love her so much already..she is very precious to me.

She is getting along so well with the kids and is so happy when they come home from school. Yesterday they were playing with majhong pieces, building them up and knocking them down. She was clapping and had a huge smile on her face. It was soooo wonderful to see.
She is very caring and appears to be settling down and getting more comfortable with all of us.
She is quite a little charachter. She has fought against all the hardships she has had to endure for many years...but now she has Mama and Baba to help her finally get them out of the way.

She deserves anything and everything and we will do whatever it takes for her. Step by Step we will hold her hand and help her get better. Her Baba is madly in love with her..and I know it has only be a few days...but so is her Mama.

I am so happy she is home. She needed to come home so badly.

Hugs and thanks to you all once again.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

The journey to bring Presley home is finally over!!!!!!

Well I am so sorry to take so long in sending an update. The weekend has passed so quickly. Saturday I was up at the crack of dawn checking the storm and of course the flights to see if things were still on schedule..and they indicated they were.

Friday night around 10pm James and Brian were still at the airport with the kids and were starting to plan to spend the night in the airport..they had called many hotels and all were booked solid. I called around and was able to find them a room at the Holiday Inn Express for the night..and Brian was able to stay in the room until 2 the next day. Perfect timing for his flight which was leaving at 5pm. James left at 9:10am and arrived at 10:53am. We were waiting with red ballons and the kids were very excited. They had waited a long time.

Finally at 12:00pm James and Presley walked through the doors and the kids ran like the speed of light. Presley was sitting on the baggage cart with her red baseball hat from the Olympics 2008. She was adorable. Of course the kids and I attacked and she was a little afraid but Daddy was happy for the attention. He had missed us so much.

I kissed my angels little face over and over as she looked at me with the biggest brown eyes. She was sad, scared and so tired from the long journey home. We quickly got everyone's hats and coats on as it was snowing and cold outside and headed into the van. Presley cried for her Baba..

James was so happy to be heading home. The journey was definitely a very long haul but so worth it.

Presley is doing as well as can be expected. The whole night last night she cried off and on..and it was evident as she hugged James neck and from time to time looked at me and whaled that she was not too happy with the situation...which was not a problem for me..I understand her whole world has been turned upside down in the last 3 weeks.

Now ...her walking is very bad and she is very unbalanced...I hope that this is all related to her hips ..we will find out next Monday...on the 26th. She has problems with her vision (she reads books close up and when looking at something tends to put her chin down and raise her eyes).

Her teeth at least 8 of them are rotten and I am sure in the very near future she will require surgery to fix or remove these teeth. It is just horrendous what shape they are in. The poor thing sucks her food with her front teeth and if she has to chew anything she starts to cry. The pain is very bad. This morning she stood in my room and just put her fingers in her mouth and cried and cried. I felt so helpless.....I hugged her and cried along with her.

She has a sadness in her eyes somtiems that I can only say I have seen one time in the face of a little girl in Colby's orphanage..my little YiSu will always stay with me forever. I saw her little face and cried so hard...as she looked like she knew she was all alone in this big old world. I think Presley is missing her foster family very much and keeps it mostly inside. I feel so bad for her...and hope with time and our love that we can see the sparkle and light in her eyes.

She is a little precious soul who when she smiles and laughs..she makes my heart feel so good.

She will see the dentist for a referral on Tuesday and the cardiologist on Friday so we can find out hopefully what the issue is with her heart. Next Monday is the Shriner's for her hips and then Tuesday she sees the eye surgeon. We are hoping to see a prediatric dentist asap.

Hopefully in a couple of weeks we will have a good idea of the medical issues.

She is a beuatiful little girl and together we will all get through whatever she needs to do to get healthy. That is what family is for.

Say a prayer for our Presley for the next 2 weeks....


Presley is delayed and hopefully as many of the kids do she will bloom. I am so happy she is finally home. She is upstairs as I type this sound asleep with her Daddy...they are struggling with the jetlag and the time change.Hopefully by the end of the week...they will be back and awake on this side of the world.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Well no Presley or James today!

HI all,

Well what started out to be a very happy day has not turned out to be so wonderful. By now 7:59pm I was hoping to have my little girl in my arms and my husband by my side. Well that is not going to be happening tonight. Our friend Jennifer was checking the stauts of the flight and in a chain of phonecalls Nancy called and told me to check James' flight. I did and low and behold the SNOW adventure continues. James was to arrive in Detroit in about 20 minutes and the flight from Detroit to Montreal was cancelled due to weather conditions. I was just ready to cry and am still sooo disappointed.

James called about 4pm and was sad to share his bad news . I told him I already knew..he was not as angry as I thought he would be..after flying for 16 hours I guess you don't care about anything anymore..LOL

So he had to take Presley who did very well on the plane and slept off an on...and try and find a hotel as Northwest would not provide them with one. They indicated when a flight is cancelled due to weather they are not responsible to provide a place to sleep. James was looking for a hotel the last time he called. I told him he was not going to spend the night with the baby in a an airport. They needed some comfort.

Poor guy...I feel for him and Brian who are both weary travellers and just wanted to come home.

They are booked on a flight tomorrow morning at 9am and landing at 11am. So hopefully the snow we are supposed to receive tonight will not stop that from happening...If they don't come home tomorrow..perhaps they will make it home for Presley's 18th birthday!

Hoping for good news in the morning...but afraid to kept my hopes up!

Goodnight and trying to hang in there,

Karen (Wife of Mr. Snow)

3 friends actually told me today I should change Presley's middle name to Storm...Presley Storm..hmmmm something to think about.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The big day tomorrow!

I can't beleive the time is almost here...I hope tomorrow doesn't drag by. I am going to try and keep busy. I was given a $95.00 gift card from the guys I work with for Children's Place so perhaps I will take a drive to check out what they have. A girl can never have enough stylish clothes...right! I also received a $50 gift card from a wonderful friend ,Scott, for Presley so we can take her to the store and she can pick whatever she would like. He was so kind in thinking of Mommy too and generously gave me a $50 gift card for Chapters. So perhaps I could treat myself to an afternoon of checking out books..I love sitting down with a good book! Thanks to all of you once again!

I was busy this afternoon shopping for fruit, noodles and dumpling ingredients. I hear Presley loves dumplings so I had to make them fresh for my babe. Anything to make her feel welcome. I made about 200 of them...those will be gobbled up in no time with my gang.

I know it will be a bumpy road for the next week or so as everyone gets aquainted and the jet leg disappears. It is now 8:10pm as I write this and they are probably at the gate getting ready tto start boarding.

23 hours and counting..

We also have a something else to celebrate tomorrow....it is Jagger's 7th birthday! I can't beleive he is already 7. We are going to have his celebration on Saturday so Presley and James can be home to celebrate his big day. I would think it will be Presley's first look at what birthday's are all about. Happy Birthday my little man..he is quite a charachter, funny, silly and a wonderful son. I was so blessed the day he became my son. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIGGY..I LOVE YOU!

Karen(aka Mom)

They are shortly starting the journey HOME!

Good afternoon everyone,

I was speaking with James this morning around 7:30am and he was just getting in from having Peking Duck with Brian and Noah and Ellen their guide. James loved the duck but it was definitely not a hit with Presley. She didn't eat anything and just finished some noodles in the room when they got back. James said she was tired and crashed as soon as she got in her nightgown.

James finally made it to Silk Road and made some purchases. He spent about 3 hours or more there. He loves it!
They returned to the hotel, had some lunch and then began packing the suitcase for the trip home. James indicated that he can't wait to be home, he has missed us all and is so excited for all of us to finally meet Presley.

They have a wake up call for 5am (5pm our time) to get up and get ready. They are heading to the airport around 6:30 (they are taking their breakfast with them and eating on the way). Their flight is from Beijing to Tokyo (layover for 2 hours) then Tokyo to Detroit(almost 12 hour flight) and then a layover for 2 hours and then home...1 hour and 40 minutes.

I hear snow is in the forecast for tomorrow night...let's just hope there is no blizzard still following James. I will be calling him Mr. Snow from now on..LOL

So I don't think I will be hearing from them in the morning as they will be busy and have lots to do...no more pictures will be coming until he gets home.

James says Presley loves it when he says..Chin Chin Baba(kiss daddy) and then she says Chin Chin Mama and blows a kiss to the wind...I can't wait to catch it!


Thanks for following along on our journey...now a new chapter of the journey begins..
Say a prayer that all goes well for my angel as we have 2 weeks of doctor appointments coming up. Let's pray for good news!


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

2 pictures hot of the presses-Summer Palace and Tiannamen Square

I am off to work but thought I would post these this morning. Will update the blog later. Last day at work..YEHAWWWW!



Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Wednesday in Beijing-The Summer Palace

Well not much to report today...James called and said things were going well and that today they would be heading to the Summer Palace, a favorite place of mine, and then off to pick up the visa's. Visa's are normally received on the Thursday and than the families leave on the Friday..So the paperwork will all come to an end today...in China anyways...soon as they are home it starts back up. LOL....

Presley is doing well..eating, sleeping and drinking. Talks non stop...loves to jump in her stroller and go out with her Baba. The last big challenge,the flight home, is almost here. James wants to do some shopping so if there is time today he will try and hit the shops. Tomorrow should be a relaxed day and he said no matter what..he is hitting Silk Road. I don't think he has bought too much on this trip. Earring for all the girls, a CD for Kennedy of some famous young singers in China, a couple of pairs of running shoes for Presley and I think that is about it. So the next couple of days watch out shopkeepers..Mr. Cheapo is heading your way.

So they are finally in the home stretch and in 2 days will be heading to the airport as their flight leaves for 9am on Friday. So Thursday night 9pm our time they will be boarding that plane and coming home. I can't wait to see them in person. I have missed James these past 2 weeks. The kids have been wonderful and so very helpful. I actually thought it would be tough but gladly I can say it has gone very smoothly and we missed Daddy around..but we did it and we had fun.

Jagger fractured his ankle Sunday night and is now sporting a bright red fiberglass cast. He jumped off his bunkbed and was limping saying he had a sore toe. Well Monday morning he couldn't put his boot on for school and was limping..so I sat him down and checked his foot and his ankle was huge. Well we were all dressed and ready for school and work...so we waited for the schoolbus to come for the others and we left for the Children's hospital. They took xrays and well you know the rest of the story. In 3 weeks he has to go back..and hopefully it will come off.
Casts definitely have come a long way..with this one he could go swimming, go in the tub and it is not an issue at all. I was amazed. The evolution of the cast..go figure!

So that is the warm up for Miss Presley perhaps...only time will tell.

Tomorrow is my last day at work and I am certainly looking forward to just concentrating on my daughter and my family. It has been a stressful time these last months not knowing what was happening with our file in China, waiting and waiting for the famous TA...and than the long 2 week wait for her to come home to us. Finally all that will be behind us and we can move on and just be together as a family.

I thank so many of my friends out there who have shown support to us and called and sent emails helping us to hang in there. Some heard me complain on a daily basis and just didn't know what to say. I know they cared as no matter how sad my face was, they kept coming back asking me and showing that they were there for me. We did and do appreciate all the kind thoughts and prayers.

2 more sleeps and my little girls will be sleeping together in their room...all of my children finally under the same roof. I look forward to her walking into our home and meeting her brothers and sisters..they are so excited..they asked me last night if I had enough love for all of them...I told them of course I did and that my love just grows and grows and that they are all so special to me. That each of them is a gift to this world and I am so lucky to have each one of them in my life. They are precious and I hope I show them that are are just that to me.

I know the next few weeks will be a little bumpy as they all find their groove with Presley joining the family. Hopefully it won't take long and everyone will adjust.

I am off for 8 weeks, James is off until the end of August. I plan to take my remaining 6 weeks in late July and return back the last week of August when the kids go back to school. That way we can be together for a good part of the summer. I look forward to that. Hopefully by then our Presley will be up and running pain free...and that she will be playing in the pool-squealing with excitement right along with the rest of the gang.

No pictures today folks...James was not able to send any. I will post more when I get some.


Monday, March 12, 2007

The medical and more pictures

Hi all,

James called and Presley had her medical. In her medicals we gotwith her referral pics it was indicated on top of her legs she had a small hole in the heart. Supposedly she was submitted to the Tomorrow plan and was to be looked after medically under that program. When she was checked they indicated that the heart had healed itself with time. Well it appears that this is not so. The doctor at the international clinic indicated that she has a very loud murmur and should be followed by a cardiologist as soon as she arrives home. So I have worked a miracle and she has an appt next Friday the 23rd at the Children's.

The doctor checked her hips and he indicated he did not hear any clicking but again said he was not a specialist and she would have to been seen by an orthopedic specialist. Appt already made for March 26th.

Her eyes both eyes seem to be effected but not all the time. The doctor indicated we should have a neuro evalutaion just to make sure there are no issues as when they see eyes and weakness in the legs he indicated it could be a neurological issue. So that will have to be tackled soon.

He indicated it is probably dislocated hips and strabismus as indicated in her medical(only the hips and heart were mentionned)...but that if it was his daughter he would have an evaluation just to make sure.

So can we say doctor appointments...we knew we would have a few visits to the hospital etc...so one thing at a time and we will hopefully in not too long we will have a better picture of how she is healthwise. The not knowing is very stressful.

So that was my news this morning...James was a little concerned but said if her heart was an issue wouldn't she have blue lips, fingers? Would she be so active and not out of breath or tired all the time? The cardiologist I talked to this morning said those are all good signs..her being active and acting very normal for her age without any effects...so he told me not to be too worried. He would check her out and we will take it from there.He indicated if she had a serious problem you would see something.

I will be saying a little prayer for our angel and hope all turns out ok..

James and Brian, Presley and Noah on the wall.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Monday in Beijing-Off to the doctor

Good evening all,

Well it is that time of the trip that the kids make their way to the International clinic for their medicals for their visa to get into Canada. Perhaps we will have more insight into Presley's hip issues. I am anxious to hear what was said.

The visit to the clinic is scheduled for this morning and then a visit to the US embassy is needed as our kiddo needs a transit visa. James and Presley will be landing in Detroit and because of that she needs this visa. Normally we don't go through the USA but this time around we had to. So this is an additional step in the paperwork that normally we don't have to do. Once the paperwork is submitted at the US embassy than James and Presley head off to the Canadian embassy to hand in the papers for her visa into Canada. I know you are saying..does the fun and paperchasing ever end..????

James is hoping that this will take a couple of hours as he hopes to go to the Silk Market or perhaps the Antique Market. He has the itch to buy and bargain. He was known last trip as "Mr. Cheapo" and he doesn't want to let anyone down this trip. I would still like him to get Presley and Jaden some leather shoes as well as look out for artwork for our home. He has ordered the calligraphy work with Presley's name in Chinese(LiJie) as we have one hanging in our home for each of our kids. He has also ordered a chop for Presley. He should be receiving those by the end of the week.

5 more nights until my James and Presley are home. I have 3 more days of work left and it is getting harder and harder to concentrate. I cleaned the house up a bit and am trying to getting everthing organized and buy some of her favorite foods so I have it on hand once the princess makes her grand arrival. She loves fish so I was out fish shopping..not something I do much of in our house...I was saying to James in our house if it doesn't say Captn Highligher on the box and smothered in ketchup...I don't know what to do...LOL

Oh well I guess it is time for me to learn and my girl loves seafood. She come from Dalian and that is the food of choice there.

Oh yeah..the cutest story James told me was..when they were eating lunch..Presley and Noah sat beside one another and with each sip of their tea they would clink cups and say chin chin..drink their tea and do it over and over. When Presley had no more tea...Noah took her cup and passed it to his Daddy to fill it up ..what a gentleman...James said once lunch was over they both got down and started arguing with one another...he said they looked just like an old married couple. What a hoot!

So that 's it for my update tonight...I will post when I have more info to pass along.



Saturday, March 10, 2007

Beijing here they come...Goodbye Shenyang!!!

Well the packing has finished, bags were out at 8:20am and they headed to the airport in Shenyang for 9. Their flight left ontime..what a novel idea and they boarded the plane. James indicated Presley was very excited to be getting on a plane. Once they took off she settled down in her seat and fell asleep for most of the 1 hour and 40 minute flight. It seems like a little motion and our little one falls asleep. I will keep a note of that. LOL

Anyways, James called and they are settling into their new room at the XiYuan hotel. They arrived around 1:30pm. Our friend Brian and his son Noah arrived at 4pm. James met up with Brian and they headed out to a Pizza restaurant with the kids. James said it was so nice to have some company and to talk with someone from home.

Here are some pictures of the XiYuan. James said it is a little far, about 25 minutes from downtown, and that it is under construction. The pool is closed and he is not too happy about that. He likes to be able to go out and walk around without having to take a cab everywhere. What can you do..it is only for 1 week. Hang in there sweetie!

This is the lobby, they are always so impressive.

Tomorrow they head to the Great Wall, Pearl factory and cloisonne factory...so it looks like a busy day ahead tomorrow.

Not much to report today only that they could not do curbside checking for the stroller and they had put a fragile sticker on it. Well once they got to the room, James went to the bathroom and came out to Presley with the Fragile sticker stuck to her forehead. What a clown. He said he had a good laugh about that. He said we have our job cut out for us with Presley..she is non stop and is always on the go. I don't know how she will do when she gets her body cast on for 6-8 weeks. I am really not looking forward to that. I can't imagine how hard it will be for her to stay still and have to depend on Mom or Dad to bring her everywhere...poor angel..it is going to a tough time for her..but something we definitely have to do..We will address that once we get there.

Sara our guide from our last 2 adoptions stopped by the hotel to visit James and Presley today. She is so kind. She remembered I collect Tea pots and brought one for me and and a small gift for Kennedy from her daughter Kimmy(they met on the last trip for Jaden). How sweet was that!

Have a nice day all,


Friday, March 09, 2007

Last day in Shenyang...

Well their last evening in Shenyang and guess what is happening with the weather...SNOW is supposed to fall again in Shenyang..let's hope he gets out on his plane before it starts to fall. The flight to Beijing is only 1 hour and 40 miinutes so hopefully by lunchtime tomorrow(China time) they will be in Beijing and on their way to the XiYuan hotel.
As you can see in the picture in downtown Shenyang there is lots of snow. Appears that the sidewalks are cleared pretty good and I guess it is not that cold as people are not wearing hats and mitts.

James said if the airport is closed he won't be taking the train from hell again. LOL

Presley spent a few hours in the room with James in the afternoon as they were packing to get ready to move onto the week in Beijing. I just noticed in the pixture that she is coloring with her left hand. I never asked James about that as I just received the pics. I will have to ask as she would be our first leftie in the family other than my niece Lia.

Hmmm I see the coloring was more fun on her face than on the coloring book. James says she has such a great charachter and she is so much fun!
She gets herself into a lot of trouble and her latest thing is she likes to go the bathroom every 5 minutes. I think she like flushing the toilet. Ahhh no more pit toilets for our little one. Actually James said it is getting very old that they have to run to the washroom every 5 minutes so she can check out the toilet in every place they visit.

Sounds just like her sister Jaden when she came home.

We packed an inflatable beach ball and she has been playing with it. When James meets up with Brian and Noah..Noah is 3 years old as well..I am sure Presley and him will be playing ball a lot. It will be nice for James to have some company and Presley to have a little playmate as well.

After a fun filled morning a little girl needs to take a nap. James says she falls asleep without notice. One minute she is talking away and the next she is sound asleep. When I was on the phone with him this morning he said she got up into the bed..put her fingers in her mouth, she motioned him to tuck her into bed and she fell asleep within seconds. A lot going on everyday for a little one. She is a real trooper and is doing extremely well. Much better than we had hoped for. I thought being in a foster family the greiving would or could have been very difficult.

Sleep tight my little princess..you are soon one step closer to your Mama and your sisters and brothers. She looks at the photo album many times during the day and sits with Daddy and tells him who everyone is. I can't wait for them to all meet one another next Friday.



Thursday, March 08, 2007

Friday morning in Shenyang...almost time to take the plane for week 2

Well it wouldn't be a trip to China if we didn't have a picture of Presley eating McDonald's. She loves her chicken nuggets or pork nuggets over there..I am not sure.

Ahhhh...she is lovin it indeed.

Just got off the phone with James...he said he feels like he is coming down with a cold and Presley too has a little bit of a runny nose. He said she went into the bathroom and came out with a long strand of toilet paper jammed into her nostril. He should have taken a photo of that!! LOL

James was telling me that in the middle of laughing she will stop and look at him and start to cry. I wonder if the honeymoon phase is starting to wear off now and she is finally showing that she is missing her foster family. James indicated she quickly gets over it but that it happens many times throughout the day. I don't know how she couldn't be missing them..after all they were her family for over 2 years. James was not able to meet them as the start of the trip was rocky and delayed all the paperwork getting done so he didn't have the time to go to Dalian like he was hoping to do. He asked the orphanage staff if he could get the address of the foster family and was told that they were not allowed to provide this information. I so wanted to have contact with them in the future and let them know and see through pictures that she is doing well.

In the presents I gave for the family I included our address in many of the gifts...so I am hoping that one day perhaps we will receive a letter from them. Crossing my fingers as I think it is wonderful for our children and for the families who took good care of our kids and took these kids in as part of their families to be in contact with one another.

Until my next update!


Love you both....Daddy..you are doing an amazing job...and Presley...I love you baby!

Thursday in Shenyang..

Ni Hao Mamma ya! That is what she yells to me on the phone. Even though the picture is not that clear, it is so great to see her big smile. What a cutie pie...so nice to see!

The serious Miss Presley decked out in her cozy pink jammies. Even though in the picture she is so serious..it is a great picture of her.

Today James and Presley had a relaxing day of visiting the Forbidden City in Shenyang (picture below). They then decided to take a swim in the hotel pool and she loved it. James said she loves to get her head wet. They than had lunch and did some shopping. He bought a beautiful scroll for our house(See pic below). He also bought Presley some running shoes at a whopping 19 yuan each. Which is almost $3.00 Canadian. For dinner they enjoyed Korean BBQ and loved it. James said is was very tasty. Presley was complaining today to James about her teeth hurting so Mommy has set up an appointment with Dr. Don our dentist to have them checked on March 21st, shortly after they arrive home. My poor angel, between her hips and her teeth now and the gash she got on her head(which is healed now) she is one tough cookie and doesn't seem to let it bother her in any way.

They were heading off to bed when I spoke with them this morning and tomorrow they pick up the paperwork and her passport and start packing once again for the trip to Beijing. So half the trip is almost done and 1 more week to go. Not like I am counting or anything..BUT I AM...6 more nights and they will be heading home.

The throne in the forbidden city in Shenyang..only 2 forbidden cities exist in China..1 in Beijing and the other in Shenyang.

Here is the lovely scroll that James bought yesterday in Shenyang. Great shopping honey ..keep it up!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Some more photo's for you!

What a face...come and kiss mommy...

It is official..she is our daughter

Well it is now official...James just called and sent me some pictures. This one was taken in the hotel lobby not too long ago. All the paperwork is under way, he has signed and we are now offically Presley's Mom and Dad.

James is tired from running around all day. Civil affairs, notary and then off to the police station for the passport. They waived the expediting fees for the passport and HE WILL be getting it on Friday..so they will be fine to head back to Beijing on Saturday as was originally planned.

James indicated many time during the day today she will hold her legs and cry with pain. Cripes I hate to hear that and can't wait for her to see Dr Hamdy at the Shriner's. Her appointment is April 2nd. James said it is painful to watch her walk. I so hope that with the miracles of surgery and the talent of the surgeons they can help Presley to walk without pain.

They had lunch with Pan(from the orphanage) and was able to give them our gifts for the foster family, Pan as well as the orphanage. The box of blankets was delivered sucessfully for the kids in Dalian. The 30 pairs of slipper/shoes as well. They were very happy. I had made a blanket for Presley's foster family as well, with the weather I hope they can use it. When I was making it it somehow make me feel connected to them.

James and Presley are heading to the local carrefour for drinks and snacks as Presley loves to eat. James indicated he will try and buy something there to eat in the room as they have hardly had any alone time at all since meeting. Tonight will be the first bath so we will see how that goes. Perhaps it could help her legs?

Here is her first night with Daddy. She looks so big in the pictures.

I love you both! Have a good sleep.



Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Todays activities in Shenyang

James called and he and Presley are now on their way to eat breakfast together. She woke up in a great mood he said and he got her dressed. He said she was smiling and very happy. He gave her the little doll I had put in the suitcase for her and he said she was pretending to feed her and was holding her in her arms rocking her back and forth. The motherly instinct at such a young age.
Today on the agenda is paperwork. James and Presley have an appointment at Civil Affairs and the notary this morning at 8:30am. They need to get the picture for the passport as well.So I guess that will keep them busy until around 11am or so. I will call before I head off to bed tonight.
Hopefully I will be able to update the blog with a new picture of Presley. I can't wait to see her. James indicates she looks very much like the pictures we received of her except she is not as chubby.

I will post when I get an update from my two sweeties. Until than...
